Elon Musk (and others) coming for your money

CoinTelegraph sent this email to their subscribers on January 24, 2024.
Dear Reader,

On October 26, 2023, Elon Musk made a shocking

During an all-hands meeting with staff of X.com (formerly

The man who introduced online payments on a global
scale said, in part, “you won’t need a bank account.”

What was he referring to?

Well, Musk wants to turn X.com into an “everything app”.

Part of that transformation is to bring all financial
transactions to X.com.

Turning it into a global financial platform.

Why is this important?

Because Musk is not the only one who wants to transform
the financial system.

Governments around the world are introducing Central
Bank Digital Currency. Designed to replace the current
banking system — including the ailing dollar.

Make no mistake about it…

Musk’s idea will expand financial access via X.com.

CBDCs on the other hand will likely restrict our financial

Either way, money as we’ve known it for the past century
will soon be a thing of the past.

All the more reason to trade crypto. It’s a way to make
money that, if done right, can’t be touched by
government intrusion.

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In the last 24 hours, Markets Pro alerted members to…

  • DAWNright before it shot up over85%.
  • BRICKright before it shot up almost27%.
  • FLXright before it shot up almost21%.

All popped within 24 hours of the alert going out.

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Max K.
Markets Pro Team

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Cointelegraph, 21 W 46th St, New York, NY 10036, United States