Winner Wednesday!

Creedmoor Sports US ? 8:01am

Creedmoor Sports sent this email to their subscribers on July 25, 2024.
Congratulations, Sabrina, on your win!


based on 9,500 reviews

Congratulations, Sabrina!

Share your win with others on Winner Wednesday!

Creedmoor Sports wants to promote your win in our email newsletter. Send us your picture, the match that you won, the score and any additional information about the win.We would love to hear what Creedmoor Sports products you used as well.\xa0\xa0Maybe include a picture, too!\xa0\xa0We’ll pick an entry each week to feature to our fellow shooters by email (and/or social media).

Send your information tokerry@creedmoorsports.comand watch those newsletters!

Disclaimer: By submitting your win, you agree to allow us to use the details provided. Names will be marked as first name with last initial only. Your submission information will not be given to anyone outside of Creedmoor Sports. There is no monetary compensation by Creedmoor to those submitting the wins – only the recognition of the win.

"This young lady shoots on the Gem City\xa0\xa0X-Men.

Sabrina S. earned her Distinguished Rifleman's Badge this past weekend and claimed the Ohio Governor's trophy. And was the high junior and high lady at this event." - Joe