April’s Agenda ? ?

Everything 420 sent this email to their subscribers on April 3, 2024.


In case you somehow forgot...

You realize we only have 18 days until the most magnificent day of all days right?

It's OUR day. It's OUR month.

Because 4/20 is about to be here and you already know what that means!

Besides the celebration we're all going to have (which is basically just a FAT sesh)...

We're dropping a YUGE sale on ya pretty soon here.

After all... this is kinda our thing!

Stay tuned for more email updates - it's about to go down.


Catch you on the flip side,


p.s. If you didn't hear our cookies inventory is basically gone. If I were you, had my eye on something, and wanted to snag it before it's too late, I'd check out theCookies Mystery Box here.

