Update #100 from Ghydion: World’s First Smart Gallon Water Bottle

Indiegogo US • 10:51am

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New Campaign Update

OnGhydion: World’s First Smart Gallon Water Bottle

Posted byGhydion Co.on Jun 16, 2024 • 7:45PM PDT

Ghydion Development - Update!

Happy Sunday Everyone!


We're getting closer to wrapping up the prototype every day.\xa0


Regarding the PCB we're still waiting on final confirmation of the timeline. We've faced some challenges with component availability, but the main PCB should now be in fabrication.\xa0


We're pushing hard to ensure everything aligns for completion around the same time.


Thank you for your continued support and enthusiasm. Have a wonderful weekend!


Until next week, Be Kind, Be Safe, and Stay Hydrated. ✨




-The Ghydion Team


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