? Update #15 from Her Name Was Moviola

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New Campaign Update

OnHer Name Was Moviola

Posted byHoward Berryon Jul 19, 2024 • 9:01AM PDT

Moviola Festival and Screening News

Hello everyone, from a very hot and sunny Hertfordshire afternoon!

As you know, we had the premiere screening of\xa0Her Name Was Moviolaat Sheffield DocFest just one month ago, and with that has followed a lot of extra activity — so I thought I'd share a little update!

Walter and Howard with our poster, at the Sheffield DocFest cinema


We had two screenings at Sheffield, and after the first one a review by Peter Bradshaw was posted on The Guardian website. I have to say, I was nervous about this — Peter is known for his strong opinions! However, it turned out there was nothing to worry about and we were given a wonderfulfour star review, complete with the phrase "ode to editing machine a geekgasm for analogue fans". A geekgasm — there you have it!

We also had lovely reviews inReel Steel,Film Carnage, and an interview forSo The Theory Goes.

It was also lovely to have several of the crew join us in Sheffield, including Taghi Amirani who hosted a separate Q&A with Walter at the Crucible, to discuss Walter's career in editing.

Two weeks ago we screened the film at the invitation of AMPS (the Association of Motion Picture Sound) at the Dolby Screening Room in London. This was a lovely event with many sound and film editors in attendance, including several students.

At the AMPS screening, at Dolby


This week we got some amazing festival news from the USA... but we are not allowed to tell you about it yet! However, it's very good news and it's big! I may need to do some extra fundraising for the travel and accomodation to this one, so if anyone has any sponsorship ideas, please do reach out to me.

We have some additional festival and screening invitations that have come our way, which I will share as and when I can, but for now I hope you all have a good summer and we will be back for another update soon!

Best wishes


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