Update #16 from Stream

Indiegogo US • 12:33am

Indiegogo sent this email to their subscribers on July 17, 2024.

New Campaign Update


Posted byFuzz on the Lens Productionson Jul 17, 2024 • 9:26AM PDT

Thats right, Bill Moseley IS IN STREAM! Plus more info ...

The murr murr’s on the interweb are true, the fans never cease to amaze with their eagle / hawk eyes. We have been holding this for quit some time, horror legend, Bill Moseley is indeed in STREAM! If you take a look at the recently released theatrical trailer you can breifly see him, but don't blink!\xa0
We also wanted to let you know there is a facebook group out there for anyone who uses the platform made by a few amazing fans called @Join The Stream Official Group where fans are getting together and discussing all elements and hype about the film, so if you havent yet please join. This is how we get the word out about our film. Remember, we did this together ... there is no studio behind us or marketing budget. It is truly us and our amazing fans, word of mouth is everything! So if you want to help keep sharing the trailer and letting everyone know tickets are on sale for August 21st. This is a limited release and the only way we can expand and get more theaters is for everyone to pre order those tickets and show up just like you did for Terrifier 2. We cannot thank our amazing fanbase enough for your support starting with Art the Clown Appreciation Society group on facebook- we need your support now more then ever so we can continue to make more fun and original horror, JUST LIKE TERRIFIER!\xa0
Did you spotBill Moseleytoo? Let us know!
Follow @StreamFranchise and use the #JoinTheStream for more!
From the bottom of our hearts, thank you!
- Fuzz on the Lens Productions
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