Update #22 from Author Clock: A Novel Way To Tell Time

Indiegogo sent this email to their subscribers on March 13, 2024.

New Campaign Update

OnAuthor Clock: A Novel Way To Tell Time

Posted byMechanical Design Labson Mar 13, 2024 • 4:40PM PDT

The Last Pages: Author Clock Campaign 90% Complete!

Hello Everyone!\xa0

As we near the final stretch of the Author Clock campaign, the sense of achievement is overwhelming. The journey here has been nothing short of remarkable. Yet, as we draw close to the end, we remain focused on the last few (but crucial) steps ahead.


Shipping Update: We're thrilled to announce the dispatch of all orders of the "Easyship Domestic" option. However, 1,244 backers are yet to complete their Easyship surveys.\xa0

Software Enhancement: We've released software version 1.6.0, with significant improvement in battery life for both clock sizes and introduces a seven-minute update interval option, among other features. We also included this latest software in the Manual Updaters as detailed below.

Daylight Savings Time: We've included some simple instructions below to ensure your clock matches Daylight Savings Time, keeping you on schedule without hassle.

Let's get into the details!

Shipping Progress

Over 90% of crowdfunding orders have been shipped or delivered!\xa0

The pending shipments are tied to backers who haven't filled out their Easyship survey. We're reaching out to ensure everyone receives their Author Clock.Check your inboxes and spam foldersfor an email from "noreply@easyship.com" if you're among those yet to complete the survey.

The email is titled "Action Required: Complete Your Shipping Information" which you will use to enter your address and pay for shipping so your order can be sent. It's an email that looks like this:

All backer clocks have been manufactured and are ready in our warehouses, but cannot be shipped until this survey is completed with the final address and shipping selection.

If your order is shipping to the US, your clock is already in a US based warehouse, and can arrive in 5-10 working days from when you submit your survey!

Software Update

Our latest update version 1.6.0 is now live! This version has numerous improvements and added features based on your feedback. You can get it now by going to "System Settings" on your clock, and checking for a Software Update.\xa0

Manual Installers for both Windows and Mac are available for those without WiFi or with trouble updating their clocks at the links below. You can get the latest version in theAuthor Clock Setup Help Page.

Battery Life

Battery life got a massive boost for both clocks! We're still conducting tests, but even when updating every single minute, the Volume 1 Clock can now last over two weeks and the Volume 2 Clock can last seven days.

This is a big jump from the original battery life, and just part of our efforts to reach the battery life originally promised. We are working on extending this further, and believe we can still squeeze significantly more battery life out of both units in future software updates.\xa0

Time Intervals

Responding to feedback for diverse quotes without frequent charges, we've introduced a seven-minute interval option. This unique setup ensures a fresh experience daily, while significantly extending the time between charges.

A clock using a seven minute interval that displays 12:00 noon one day will show 12:01 the next day. The cycle repeats every week. Since most times have multiple quotes to randomly select from, you'll rarely see duplicate quotes!

Paired with the battery life improvements above, this option enables you to see all quotes in the database without charging very often. With the seven minute updates, the Volume 1 clock is expected to last three months between charges, and the Volume 2 would last a month and a half!


We've made enhancements all throughout including improving the setup, slightly increasing the speed, and squashing bugs. We had also recently added better battery icons, and clearer language addressing what to do when the battery dies, as well as updated the Status screen with more useful information.

Next Up

We're focusing on refining the refresh rate and display resolution of our E-Paper displays as well as further enhancing battery life. Early work in "soft refreshes" is going well, and would result in your clock better blending into the background, as well as improving speed and battery life.

Below is a video we've shared before showing the refresh mode we're going for. Blink and you'll miss it!

Watch on YouTube

We're testing this feature extensively before deployment to ensure you Author Clock can operate at peak performance for many years with no degradation to the screen.

New Quotes Coming Soon!

We have begun working on the first update to the quote database! We are adding a large variety of quotes but we are especially focusing on adding more variety for the most repetitive minutes. We'll be using some of the great new submissions we've received from you!

This process takes quite some time since it requires careful review of the submissions, verifying the sources, translating, and more. We'll post an update as soon as the new quotes are available!

Daylight Saving Time

Daylight Savings Time is upon us! If you live in a timezone affected by the change, you will need to manually update the time to match. Our recommendation is to follow these steps:

  • Go to System Settings > Software Update and download v1.6.0
  • Once complete, return to System Settings and perform a factory reset
  • Complete the new setup process and you are done!

We are working on automatic DST detection, and expect that will be deployed in time for the next DST change in six months. Clocks will soon be able to correct for DST, even if they never connect to WiFi. Although we would have liked to deploy this feature in time for this DST change, it's tricky to test for something that only happens twice a year (and behaves differently for clocks in different locations around the world) but we've nearly completed the work for this feature next time around!

Customer Reviews

Your enthusiasm on social media is heartwarming. Keep sharing your moments with the Author Clock, and don't forget to tag us using @theauthorclock on Instagram or at the Author Clock page on Facebook!\xa0

Facebook Comments

Instagram Comments

Your feedback is invaluable, and we're eager to feature your stories on our platforms. If we find a great post from you we may reach out to request your permission to share it on our accounts!

Get More Author Clocks!

If you've loved your Author Clock and would like to purchase another, we have good news!\xa0

Backers can use the discount code CROWDFUNDING at checkout for \\$50 off their order from theAuthor Clock Website!

Our website is only available for US backers, but we're working with MoMA to offer it internationally as well! Unfortunately our discounts won't work on the MoMA store, but they often have special discounts so it's worth following along!

Contacting us

While we appreciate the comments and direct messages, the best way to communicate with us is still through our dedicated email address at info@authorclock.com. We typically respond in under 24 hours, but whenever an update goes out there is a large influx of emails, so it may be closer to 48 hours for the rest of the week. We will \xa0respond and address your concerns as promptly as we are able to!


Your support has been the cornerstone of our journey. We're committed to delivering the remaining orders and ensuring your satisfaction with every update.

Stay tuned, and thank you for being an integral part of our story.

-Jose & Team

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