Update #33 from Auricle: Open-Ear Headphones Reinvented

Indiegogo US • May 31

Indiegogo sent this email to their subscribers on May 31, 2024.

New Campaign Update

OnAuricle: Open-Ear Headphones Reinvented

Posted byAuricleon May 31, 2024 • 1:21AM PDT

May 2024 Update

Howdy wonderful Auricle backer,

May has been a productive/ positive month - here are the news.


Production yield mods successful:\xa0As mentioned in the previous update, we had to implement a series of mods in the PCB and in the assembly line, to take a last shot at increasing our in-house production yield (how many units can be produced error-free). We’re happy to tell you that the results were very positive. We can now produce the auricles electronics completely in-house with a success rate of around 90% (9 errror-free out of every 10). That also means that 1. that will speed up the overall \xa0production process and 2. we are now safe to produce in-house instead of relying in an external EMS supplier. Plan A is back in action. Here is a picture of the 54 boards we produced perfectly suitable for final assembly.


54 working wonderfully out of the 60 boards produced in-house this month.


New colleagues coming on board soon:\xa0As we approach production and assembly, we are preparing our set-up to do it efficiently. We need to hire 2 new colleagues, that will be trained to help with production (and some more R&D in general). To make that work as smoothly as possible, we will also transform our new more spacious office into a “mini-factory”. We’re on the planning stages, so pictures on that will have to come next month.


Other updates:\xa0Cable overmould and hard plastics injection molds are in progress, so not many news there. More on that in the next update.


Shipping:\xa0We are still aiming for production + assembly of the 450 crowdfunded devices between the months August - October, but it’s hard to have an exact estimate when it will all be good to ship, as there’s always chances for new surprises… so as always, stay tuned.


See you in the next update.

GV //Pedro & the Auricle team

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