? Update #98 from GPD WIN Max 2 Handheld Gaming PC 8840U 64GB RAM

Indiegogo sent this email to their subscribers on April 18, 2024.

New Campaign Update

OnGPD WIN Max 2 Handheld Gaming PC 8840U 64GB RAM

Posted byGPD HKon Apr 18, 2024 • 3:24AM PDT

WIN Mini 2024 crowdfunding is going to end after 2 days

Dear our backers,

Have a nice day!

The WIN Mini 2024 crowdfunding is going to end after 2 days. After crowdfunding ends, it will switch to Indemand mode, the Indemand price will be higher than crowdfunding price.

We will arrange crowdfunding order shipment after the crowdfunding ends. Thanks so much for your patience and support!

The crowdfunding link: \xa0https://igg.me/at/gpdwinmini2024

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