Don’t leave before the miracle happens…

Kreatures of Habit sent this email to their subscribers on March 7, 2024.


Happy Thursday! On the train heading back Upstate from NYC after a long day of Podcasting! TheKreatures Of Habit podcastis one of my favorite components of the brand. I get to sit down with people that have inspired me, people I believe have an impactful story and people who tend to live the lifestyle of our brand ethos. I ask them all about their habits, rituals and routines, but also a bit about their journey. Then I create 45 minute episodes to share with you all with the hopes providing value.. Free of charge! If you aren’t currently a listener of the podcast, it would mean a lot if you gave it a listen, I believe you will get value from the storytelling!\xa0

While we are on the topic of the KOH pod, I am also incredibly excited to announce that we have officially partnered with Lance Armstrong and his podcast network and production company,WEDU. So from this day forward, the podcast will live under the WEDU umbrella. Lance and I will be tag teaming as co-hosts on some of the episodes going forward and the content will continue to grow in a meaningful way. Everything in regards to listening for you is the same, however we have joined forces with Lance and his team to make the podcast bigger and get in front of more people.\xa0

This leads me to the next topic I’d like to share about… Patience! In the world of recovery/sobriety there is a saying “don’t leave before the miracle happens.” This was drilled into my brain in the early days of getting sober, I wanted things to change faster than they were changing. I wanted to feel better, I wanted the cravings to stop, I wanted to look better, I wanted what I wanted and I wanted it fast. It didn’t happen on my time. It took time for me to build consistency and confidence, it took time to start feeling like I could make a commitment and stick to it, it took time to get comfortable with feeling feelings, as I had been so used to running from them. In my opinion, patience may be the key element to long term success in anything.. The most glaring example of this for me has come from being an entrepreneur, building a few different businesses and being taught invaluable lessons in patience. Rome wasn’t built in a day, and if we walk in with a short term mindset, we will get short term results. How do I put this into action in business, I set a vision and a goal five years out and then I have an ideal post target goal when/if I hit my five year plan. This gives me plenty of time to create, innovate, change my mind, fail, win, hire, fire, test and learn. Starting is my default setting, I love to start, but the win is really in the day to day pounding the pavement, and that takes an enormous amount of patience. A lot of us don’t stick around long enough for the results to truly start to take shape, it's hard AF to consistently tell yourself that “this is just a phase, a season” at a certain point we will all doubt success, but that is when the true magic happens, when you can say that it will work, you just have to power through and know that time will carry you forward.. NO MATTER WHAT.\xa0

The podcast is a perfect example of this. I have dropped a podcast episode every week since 2019, it was The Born or Made podcast before the KOH Podcast. The listenership for the KOH Podcast is still on the smaller side, however I know that with time and consistency, it will grow. I remember hearing Lewis Howes say something like it took over five years of consistently doing his podcast before it caught steam… Well I am almost at that five year mark, and guess what, Lance Armstrong saw something in me and the podcast and is now going to help us scale it! It just took time and consistency, like EVERYTHING ELSE IN LIFE THATS GREAT!\xa0

So, if you are currently feeling defeated, like it's not going to work out, whether it's your business, getting into better shape through fitness and nutrition, the promotion, etc. Please hear my voice saying to you, most people leave before the miracle happens… Don’t be one of them. Keep pushing, keep consistent, stick to the plan. My experience has taught me that those with the ability to practice patience and withstand the stress that comes with taking risks and doing hard things, are the ones we hear stories about. And you know what, sometimes it doesn’t actually work out, and that's okay too, but don't let it be because you didn’t give it enough time to truly develop.\xa0

Love ya

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