Salad Secrets & Honest Work Insights from Chernow

Kreatures of Habit US ? 12:02am

Kreatures of Habit sent this email to their subscribers on June 13, 2024.
FAM! Hope you are having the best Thursday ever.\xa0
I wanted to share a few different things with you all today. First, one of my all time favorite, simple salad recipes.\xa0
As some of you know, I am a former Chef and Restaurateur. I spent the majority of my teenage and young adult life working in restaurants. When I was twenty eight years old, I opened my first restaurant,The Meatball Shop, then went on to open twelve more restaurants from 2010 - 2019. Six Meatball Shops and in 2015 I launchedSeamore’sand opened seven of those.\xa0
Here is a simple and incredibly delicious salad I have been making for years with my wife. I loved the salad so much I added it to the opening menu at Seamore’s. The Kale and avocado still lives on the menu today and is a best seller. The ingredients are fall inspired, however apples are available year round... You can always swap apples for strawberries or crunchy peaches in the summer if you’d like.\xa0
Kale Avocado Salad (4 portions)
For the Salad:
2 bunches Chopped Kale\xa0
1 whole Honeycrisp Apple
½ cup Toasted Walnuts
1 cup Golden Quinoa\xa0
2 whole Avocado
2 cups Roasted Sweet Potato
For the Dressing:
16 oz. Apple Cider Vinegar
1 cup Honey
2 tbsp. Dijon Mustard
16 oz. Olive Oil\xa0
Salt (to taste)
Honey Apple Dressing: Prepare
  1. Combine vinegar, honey, dijon mustard into vita-prep and blend.\xa0
  2. While vita-prep is running on medium speed, slowly add in oil to emulsify.\xa0
  3. Season with salt to taste.\xa0
Chopping, Slicing, Toasting and Roasting: Prepare
  1. Wash kale, strip from stem, rough chop.\xa0
  2. Slice honey crisp apples into half moons.\xa0
  3. Toast walnuts on low heat for 3 minutes in the oven at 300 degrees.\xa0
  4. Bring 2 cups of water to boil, then add golden quinoa, turn off heat, cover for 15 minutes. Cool.\xa0
  5. Clean avocado, slice and fan.\xa0
  6. Large dice sweet potatoes, lightly toss in oil, salt and pepper. Roast at 350 degrees until slightly soft.\xa0
Making the Salad:
  1. In a large mixing bowl combine kale, quinoa, sweet potato and dressing to taste.\xa0
  2. Portion on plates.\xa0
  3. Garnish with fanned avocado, walnuts and sliced apple or strawberries.\xa0
Honest work Check-in\xa0
I also wanted to share a written exercise I do every few years to help clearly see my strengths at work. This exercise is a nice way to check in, make sure I am staying in my lane, and spending most of my time working on the things I enjoy and feel confident in. When I first started my entrepreneurial journey, I felt I needed to be good at everything.. If I wasn’t good at something, I had insecurity around it and thought I needed to spend more time focusing on those things so I could do everyone's job if need be... What I learned through this process was that I was spending way more time trying to get better at things that didn’t come naturally, and spending far less time on the things I excelled at. It was a mistake, created more stress and decreased my output. \xa0
I make a list of my strengths and weaknesses. After I make the list I ask myself where and what I am currently spending most of my time on at work. I am a firm believer in doubling and tripling down on the things I am good at, and delegating the things I struggle with. If I am spending too much time on my weaknesses, I know something is off, and I am probably not surrounded by the right people. This is what it looks like.\xa0
My qualities/responsibilities\xa0
  • The Brand Vision
  • Marketing
  • Product development\xa0
  • Relationship and business development\xa0
  • Team leadership
  • Team Positive Reinforcement
  • People skills
  • Open Minded and collaborative\xa0
  • Media/content
  • Culture
  • Hiring
My weaknesses\xa0
  • Logistics
  • Financials\xa0
  • Project management\xa0
  • Technology\xa0
  • Planning\xa0
I share this with you all in transparency to show that we can’t be great at everything. Clearly understanding your strengths and weaknesses actually make you a stronger leader… take a stab at this exercise, check in and be honest.\xa0
Okay - that was a long one, thanks for staying along for the ride with me today. And be sure to celebrate Fathers if you are one and or have one!\xa0
Mad love - Chernow\xa0

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