The Happiness Formula – In My Opinion

Kreatures of Habit US ? 12:01am

Kreatures of Habit sent this email to their subscribers on June 6, 2024.
Hey KOH’ers another week in the books! Stoked about today’s entry… Gonna go over a few things with you guys today...\xa0
  1. The three things I believe draw a direct line to my happiness.\xa0
  2. Recap on the amazing HYROX NY event last weekend.\xa0
  3. Saying “goodbye for now” to some things in order to make room and welcome new experiences.
As I was driving back upstate from NYC last night, I got the chance to listen toThe Great Unlearn-\xa0 a podcast I was a guest on a few weeks ago, with host Cal Callahan. We talked about so much, but out of all the things we covered in the 2.5 hour episode, my theory on the drivers to Happiness and Success made me want to share it with you guys today. You may have heard me discuss this in the past, as I believe these three things, done in succession, are the core foundation to what makes happiness, success and freedom possible for anyone.\xa0
Commitment >>>Confidence>>>>Courage = Happiness
1. Commitment - Everything I’ve done in my life that’s been meaningful has required absolute commitment. Commitment is required for any project, venture, relationship, challenge or goal.. The beauty of commitment is that with it comes discipline, and with discipline comes freedom and confidence.\xa0
2. Confidence - Confidence is earned through consistency - There is a big difference between confidence and cocksureness. Confidence is real, a trust contract you build with yourself that you are capable, that you show up for the things you commit to doing. Confidence is built through commitment.\xa0
3. Courage - Courage is a byproduct of confidence.. Courage is being scared and doing it anyway as long as it is for the greater good. Courage is when you take action knowing that failure is totally possible, and in some cases imminent … Courage is the confidence at work. We learn and grow more in the process of applying courage than anything in life. Learning and growing is Success, and success is happiness. My experience.\xa0

HYROX- What an amazing experience, the positive energy in the HYROX community is THICK and infectious! I had such a blast, it was a perfect day, it was hard as hell, I loved every minute of it.. I am fired up to say that I am going to go all in on HYROX. I will be training my ass off for the next HYROX in Dallas on Nov 23rd.. I can’t wait to get a sub 1 hour time.. If you haven’t heard of HYROX, I highly recommend you take a look. If you are looking for a new fitness challenge or goal, HYROX is definitely worth checking out. My partner Nolan and I did open doubles, we finished in 1:06 but got penalized 1 minute for a mistake I made leaving the ruck area out of the wrong entrance.. We had a goal time of under 1:10 and smashed it!\xa0

Making room, accepting change, and welcoming new modalities- I am going to be putting heavy weight training to bed for a while. This is lifting in the 1-5 rep range... I love lifting heavy, but with my lower back in the place that it is in, I have to make the call.. It is a love of mine, however as I get older, I am realizing that I can’t do things that have a high potential for injury.. I have to start making better decisions with my training to preserve my health... I am going to be putting down the heavy deadlifts and back squats for a while... I will be focusing on running, hypertrophy (reps ranges 10-15) and functional fitness.. It is okay to say Goodbye For Now - I share this with you all because I know a lot of you are very much like me, hard charges and athletes. It is sometimes hard to step away from things we love, so we continue to do them and never give our bodies time to potentially heal. If you have an injury that keeps creeping up, especially when you do a certain exercise or modality, join me on this journey in taking a break...

Okay - enough out of me... I hope you guys have an awesome weekend!\xa0

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