The Power of Hello, Goodbye, and Thank You

Kreatures of Habit US ? 12:00am

Kreatures of Habit sent this email to their subscribers on July 19, 2024.
KOH squad - Hope you guys are having the best week! I am going to be pushing these weekly emails to Friday going forward. This week I want to connect about culture as it has been on my mind. When you hear the word culture, what comes to mind? For me, the first thing I think of is company culture, that may be because I am a business owner, but it is genuinely the first thing that comes to mind.. And though I believe deeply in having a strong company culture, culture spans FAR beyond work... At its core, Culture is what defines a group of people, how they experience life as a group.. Anyways, there a few things I have used over the years to help increase the strength of culture in all areas of my life, family, work, friends, etc.. We can also have a personal that we commit to.. See below for a simple tool I have used forever… very easy, very effective, way way way overlooked by many.

An abbreviation I use as my internal reminder for probably the most important actions I take everyday as a business owner, Husband and father is HGTY, it stands for Hello, Goodbye, Thank You. Three very simple things… and If applied consistently, genuinely and with a smile, will keep you in the good graces of all those around you, ESPECIALLY if you are a leader.\xa0\xa0

Hello, Goodbye, Thank You, probably the first three words we learn as infants, I know because I’ve had 2\xa0 infants, and both of them loved saying - hello, goodbye and thank you(ish).\xa0 When I think of the basics, the 101’s, the roots, the foundation, the baseline, It doesn’t get any simpler than this. If you can remember to actually USE the words that were first taught to you first, hello, goodbye and thank you…. your life at work could change drastically, whether you are the boss or the intern. I know this sounds a bit hokey pokey,\xa0 but let me share with you how I have spent my career utilizing this tool - Every time I’d walk into one of my restaurants, the first order of business was to make my way around to every staff member, look them in the eye, smile and say hello, shake their hand, give em a high five or sometimes even a hug….. (Unfortunately we hug less these days). Every time I’d leave at the end of the day, I’d make my way around the restaurant to say goodbye and thank every one of the staff members. I have done this for as long as I can remember, way before I opened my own place. Another thing I’d do throughout my day when I was running restaurants is take a staff member aside for just a minute, thank them and let them know that I am truly grateful for the hard work they put in to keep the place humming.\xa0

Now, I don’t run restaurants anymore, I am the founder of this business, which in most part is digital, so it is harder to make the rounds to everyone, look them in the eye and say hello and goodbye, but we as a team do our best to keep the culture strong, be it through a computer screen or the few times a month we get to see each other in person. The purpose of this email is to share my passion for culture, how important culture is for humans in all areas of our lives and do a little seed/reminder that the little things, the small gestures are sometimes the things that can totally make a less awesome culture or situation, more awesome.\xa0

These actions take all of about 5-7 minutes total, insane. Why do I say insane? because this mini investment of 5-7 minutes everyday is the difference between being a good leader or the leader that everyone wants to crush for, a GREAT leader. This one tool that we all have, is a massive wavemaker in leadership and relationship development. It is mind-boggling to me how many people I’ve worked for and have worked with forget to use these very simple words. Add this to your daily routine, whether it is at work, at school, at home, at the gym, with your sports team, wherever you spend time with people on a consistent basis.\xa0

keep me posted..\xa0

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