Unwavering belief in yourself is necessary.

Kreatures of Habit sent this email to their subscribers on March 21, 2024.

What up KOH fam… sorry for missing you last week. It was a busy one traveling to and from Austin TX.\xa0Austin has become somewhat of a regular destination for me over the last six months. Between the entrepreneurial and fitness communities, and now KOH’s partnership with WEDU and Lance Armstrong, I’ve been stoked to start developing roots in the city. I will be down there more often... If you are reading this and live down in Austin, we should all try to gather for a KOH meet up next time I’m in town.. Will keep you all posted.\xa0

Speaking ofWEDUand Lance Armstrong, I dropped an episode on the KOH Podcast last week with the great and powerful Lance Armstrong. Theepisodeis a bit longer and packs a punch. I got Lance to really open up about his life, I would be honored if you all gave it a listen.\xa0

Now, for today’s topic…BELIEF.

Belief has played such a huge role in my life. From battling addiction, believing I couldn’t stop. To getting sober, believing I could abstain. To getting married, building our family, to starting businesses and competing as an athlete… Belief may be one of the most impactful needle movers in all of our lives... whether you realize it or not. When I look under the hood and take a peek at what has kept me swinging for the bleachers in life, it has been my unwavering belief that I can do what I set out to do; to create a vision on what I’d like the future of an endeavor to look like, commit to it, and believe with every cell in my body that WE will get it done. On the flipside of the coin, we can also spend time creating a vision of failure (a lot of us do this from time to time, myself included). A vision where we don’t have what it takes, that “this is, or will be impossible to accomplish," that “I can never catch a break” and guess what, those negative beliefs have the same power as the positives.. I promise!\xa0

I know this can sound woo woo... “do affirmations really work”? And my answer to this question is simple: the chances of you accomplishing something very hard, or potentially impossible and out of reach, is made much more attainable, if you believe that you can. Without belief, you have ZERO chances, so WHY THE HECK NOT use affirmations as a tool. I try to them everyday on my drive into the office, out loud in my truck. The next step for me has always been to find other people to surround myself with that also believe in the vision, or have a similar outlook. You are what you believe, you do what you believe… the believers… sports legends, Top 1%’er founder, SUPER MOMS, life changers, they all have one very important thing in common - they BELIEVE they can do it and surrounded themselves with others that supported that belief and believe as well.

Human Beings want to believe, we need hope in our lives.. If you are gunning for a title, a promotion, a certain amount of weight loss, trying to close a financing round, starting a family, targeting a sales goal, or have just begun the process of building a business, please remember that your unwavering belief in yourself is necessary. Don’t allow other people's opinions or lack of belief to influence yours. This doesn’t mean there won’t be lots of moments of doubt and fear, because there will be. But when you go to bed at night and wake up in the morning each day, start and finish with the belief that you have what it takes… NO MATTER WHAT!\xa0

Love ya,

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