What has made it’s way into my day-to-day

Kreatures of Habit sent this email to their subscribers on February 29, 2024.

KOH Family,

I hope all of you are well, crushing your week and getting excited for the spring, which is right around the corner. It was 60 degrees in Upstate NY the last few days, felt so good to be in lighter gear, walking the pups on my rucks.\xa0

I have been sharing a lot about my beliefs in these entries, which I do only because I have a deep personal and (equal) brand mission -- my experiences and what I have had to navigate in life can potentially inspire someone to DO or in some cases not DO. I hope these weekly’s have been a nice breath of fresh air for you, As I truly love connecting with you all this way, especially those of you who respond to these. I love developing some cool relationships with the community in ways that go beyond a transaction. Send me a reply to these if you feel inspired so that I can connect with more of you.

I want to depart a bit from the typical weekly, and share some cool things I have discovered, been using, and have been up to over the last few months.\xa0
  1. I have fallen in love withThe Pliability App. It is a recovery, stretching and mobility app that was originally called RomWod. The app was designed for CrossFit athletes. It has some incredible features and hundreds of routines ranging from 5 minutes to 60 minutes+. Unlike other mobility apps, Pliability uses Yin yoga as its baseline structure, which is basically holding stretches for long periods of time. I can’t tell you how helpful this has been for me with my lower back issues. I typically do one of the focused warmups before training, 7-10 minutes of dynamic stretches. I also try to do their focused program for the day after training, or after I get the kids down for bed. On Thursdays and Sundays, I always do the longer daily program, which is about 50 minutes on average, and opens me up like a book!\xa0

  2. Another recovery tool that has been monumental for me is thePsorite- This is a weird shaped contraption that you lay on. It is designed to loosen your Psoas muscles deep in your abdomen. You lay on the floor, stomach down, place the two prongs on either side of your belly button, and slowly lower your body weight so you are fully relaxed on the tool. It is not fun or easy, but holy smokes is it effective\xa0 I also lie with it on my back to loosen my middle on lower back muscles as well as my glutes. It is truly like magic, after 10 minutes in a few different spots, my lower back is as fresh as ever.\xa0

  3. I have been reading A LOT these days, I was recently sent a book byDr. Michael Gervais, The First Rule Of Mastery. The book is very interesting, Michael takes a different approach than most self dev authors in this one. The premise is focused on how we humans are so caught up in other peoples opinions, how it has been engrained in us for millennia. That said, Gervais dives into the real science of how the brain works in this arena and gives actionable approaches to help us potentially stop giving so much power towards what others think. Additionally, he discusses this idea that we can get to a point where we are genuinely able to embrace others opinions, the negative or constructive in this case, and instead of getting defensive or shut down, train the brain to get curious.. I loved the book! A quick read as well.\xa0

  4. My all time favorite house slippers, I wear nothing else for a number of years nowLUSSO CLOUD- These things are absolutely the best, come in so many colors and actually look good!

  5. I cook almost all of my own meals, everyday! As you can imagine, I eat clean, but I never sacrifice flavor, I refuse to do it.. I WILL NOT EAT BLAND FOOD… EVER!\xa0Primal Kitchenhas become a main stay in our house. Specifically the condiments, I use soooo many of their sauces and have zero guilt, as they use amazing ingredients and most of the sauces are low calorie, but pack a MEGA punch.\xa0

Alright, that was a list that covered a number of different areas, I hope you check some of them out. I have no affiliation with these brands, though I do know some of the founders. These are things daily and just want to spread the love!\xa0

Till next week y’all - Chernow\xa0

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