Your spine’s secret weapon…

MoveU, Holdings, Inc. US • Sep 4

MoveU sent this email to their subscribers on September 4, 2024.
Improve posture, increase strength, and reduce pain with these 15 exercises!\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0
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What Do the Erector Spinae Muscles Do?

Your\xa0erector spinae muscles\xa0are located on each side of your vertebral column and run the entire length of your spine. These muscles extend, laterally tilt, and twist your spine while keeping your spine erect or upright. If your erectors are weak, it can lead to\xa0poor posture\xa0and back and\xa0shoulder pain.

15 Exercises to Strengthen Your Erectors

We know you came for the exercises, so let’s cut to the chase and get you started, shall we?\xa0Feel free to tackle all of these or just the ones that suit you best. Adjust as needed based on your current abilities, making sure you maintain good form.

Many people ask us about\xa0ideal sets and reps. There’s no one right way to do these, but a general rule of thumb is 3 sets of 8-10 reps. We suggest\xa0to pair light weights with higher reps and heavier weights with fewer reps.

1. Superman

  1. Lie face down on a mat and straighten your arms overhead. Make sure to keep your shoulders pressed down toward your back pockets.
  2. Squeeze your glutes and tuck your pelvis.
  3. Activate your core as you lift both your upper body and legs off the ground, keeping your head straight and gaze on the floor and toes pointed.
  4. Lower back to the floor slowly.


2. Wall Squats


Adding a\xa0resistance band\xa0just above or below the knees will help remind you to drive your knees out, which is an important aspect of the squat. Important note: In this exercise, you are facing the wall!

  1. Set up with your feet hip width or wider with your toes about one hand width away from a wall. You may need more or less depending on your mobility.\xa0
  2. Reach your arms overhead and place your hands flat on the wall.
  3. With your\xa0core gently braced, shift your hips back just slightly and squat down as you drag the palms of your hands down the wall. Avoid\xa0butt winking\xa0at the bottom.
  4. Remember to keep your toes and feet rooted to the floor. Drive up through your heels and midfoot.

You should feel a strong contraction all along the muscles of your spine.

3. Resisted Lat Pulldown

This is the Scap Pull Down with the addition of the arms. If you can’t yet do a full pull up, this is a good option for you once you have the Scap Pull Down mastered. You can also regress the pull up in\xa0other ways\xa0using resistance bands.\xa0

  1. Anchor a resistance band above your head. You can do these standing or kneeling.
  2. Grasp the band overhead with both hands about shoulder width apart.\xa0
  3. Allow the band to pull your shoulders up for a moment and from there, pull your shoulders down toward your back pockets.\xa0
  4. Keeping the elbows on the same plane as your upper body and forearms vertical, draw the elbows down toward your hip bones.
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MoveU Holdings Inc., 970 W Valley Pkwy #659, Escondido, CA 92025