We’ve updated our Privacy Statement

A few changes you should know about.Visit the Privacy Center

Newspapers.com sent this email to their subscribers on January 20, 2024.

A few changes you should know about.
Visit the Privacy Center

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Your privacy is important to\xa0us.

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As part of our commitment to you, we periodically review and update our Terms and Conditions and Privacy Statement. As of January 17, 2024, here are a few changes you should know\xa0about:

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  • We added information about account-based choices for opting out of targeted\xa0advertising.

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  • We added language to better explain how content you upload is used on Ancestry®services and your responsibilities for such content to help keep our platform\xa0safe.

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  • We added language to address new features within the AncestryDNA®matches service and AncestryDNA®features or services that may be released in the\xa0future.

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  • We added language to clarify the terms regarding your use of the Ancestry®\xa0services.

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  • We added language to describe how we use recommender\xa0systems.

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Note that none of these updates will impact your ability to continue to use Ancestry®\xa0services.

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Rest assured that our relationship with our customers—and our robust consumer and privacy protections—remain the\xa0same.

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We invite you to review our updatedTerms and ConditionsandPrivacy Statement. By continuing to use our services, you indicate that you accept these\xa0changes.

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Thank you for being a Newspapers.com\xa0customer.

\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tVisit the Privacy Center\t\t\t\t\t\t\t

Fishwrap Blog\xa0 • \xa0Contact Us\xa0 • \xa0Privacy Statement\xa0 • \xa0Terms and Conditions

Newspapers.com™ is operated by Ancestry Company in Lehi, Utah and whose registered office is at 1300 W. Traverse Pkwy. Lehi, Utah 84043 USA.

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Newspapers.com does not sell, rent or otherwise distribute the personal information you provide us to third party advertisers.Privacy Statement. To avoid this email being sent to your junk mail folder, please add this address (team@newspapers.com) to your safe senders list. \t