We’ve updated our Privacy Statement

A few changes you should know about.Visit the Privacy Center

Newspapers.com sent this email to their subscribers on September 21, 2023.

A few changes you should know about.
Visit the Privacy Center

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Your privacy is important to\xa0us.


Protecting our customers’ privacy and being good stewards of your data is our highest priority at\xa0Newspapers.com.

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As part of our commitment to you, we annually review and update our Terms and Conditions and Privacy Statement. As of September 18, 2023, here are a few changes you should know\xa0about:

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  • We added language to further align with the requirements of the California Privacy Rights Act (“CPRA”), the Virginia Consumer Data Protection Act (“VCDPA”), other U.S. laws and regulations, and the Brazilian General Data Protection Law\xa0(“LGPD”).

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  • We included Forces War Records, our international military history brand, in the Ancestry®Privacy\xa0Statement.

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  • We disclosed that we are now collecting birth date, rather than birth year, in connection with AncestryDNA®test kit registration to help us appropriately assign ownership of\xa0accounts.

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  • We clarified in our Terms that betas, experiments, and other features may not be available to all users at all\xa0times.

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  • We updated our agreement to arbitrate disputes that cannot be resolved informally for U.S. customers and provided options for users outside the\xa0U.S.

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  • We updated language throughout to better support transparency and\xa0readability.
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None of these updates will impact your ability to continue to use\xa0Newspapers.com.

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You can rest assured that Newspapers.com's relationship with our customers—and our robust consumer privacy protections—remain the\xa0same.

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We invite you to review our updatedTerms and ConditionsandPrivacy Statement\xa0now.

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Thank you for being a Newspapers.com\xa0customer.

\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tVisit the Privacy Center\t\t\t\t\t\t\t

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