Benefits of Digestive Enzyme Supplements

Onnit US ? Jul 19

Onnit sent this email to their subscribers on July 19, 2024.
If you eat healthy but don’t think your body shows it, poor digestion may be to blame.
If you’ve been curious about steel mace training but don’t know where to begin,\xa0or feel intimidated by what seems like a medieval bludgeon, let this guide demystify the mace for you. By the end, you’ll understand why it’s outlasted innumerable\xa0fitness\xa0innovations and gimmicks alike to remain one of the most effective training implements you can use to enhance stability, mobility, power, and rotational strength.\xa0
Benefits of digestive enzyme supplements

If you eat healthy but don’t think your body shows it, poor digestion\xa0may be to blame.

Downing food that doesn’t get properly assimilated is like trying to fill a gas tank that has a hole in it—good nutrition could be leaking right through you.

The solution, however, can be as simple as taking a few capsules with your food. Digestive\xa0enzymes, among other supplements, can help you get the most out of every meal.

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