☑️ Your Guide To Smart Sun Exposure

Ra Optics sent this email to their subscribers on March 17, 2024.
Hi friend,
The Vernal Equinox is less than one week away…
This marks a joyous time for our Northern Hemisphere community—the return of the sun!
It's a period of renewal and rebirth, inviting us to step back into the light.
Educate & Illuminate
As the days grow longer, it's the perfect opportunity to gradually increase your sun exposure. Your skin may need time to adjust to the sun's warmth and energy again, vital for vitamin D synthesis and overall wellbeing.
Sun Strategy: Build Your Base, Boost Vitamin D
  • Start Small:If you have sensitive skin or have not had regular sun exposure over the winter months, start small with direct sunlight daily.

  • Increase Gradually:Incrementally extend your sun time, but avoid burning. Aim for a healthy glow to ensure a gentle adaptation by your skin.

  • Nourish for Melanin:Incorporate foods rich in tryptophan, like meats and fish, alongside cofactors, to support melanin production. This preparation enhances your body’s natural sun protection and optimizes health benefits.

  • Maximize Vitamin D:The upcoming summer months are your chance to restock your natural vitamin D.
By starting with smart sun exposure now, you will ensure that your skin is ready to efficiently produce and store this essential nutrient.
Welcome Back, Sun!
Let's welcome the sun together, embracing its warmth with wisdom and care.
And when you are not getting proper natural sunlight exposure, remember to continue protecting yourself withRa Opticsblue light blocking glasses during the day and night.

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