3 simple steps to overcome doubt

Ra Optics US • Jul 16

Ra Optics sent this email to their subscribers on July 15, 2024.
Hey friend,
We all face it…
We all feel it…
It can be a heavy weight holding us back from our true potential, right?
Dr. Joe Dispenza recently wrote about how to transform doubt, so that’s what we’re going to talk about today in this episode of Inner Light.
Dr. Joe explains that by understanding how we are paying attention and by changing what we are paying attention to, we can change our energy.
And if you really want to change anything, such as doubt, you have to change your energy.
Unfortunately, this isn’t as easy as it sounds, though.
Often, there are decades of habits, beliefs, and programming that require an enormous amount of energy to overcome.
So, how do you do that?
  • Set Your Intention:Move out of the addictive emotions of survival—which fuel doubt—and into the elevated emotions connected to pure love.

  • Focus on Your Heart Center:Radiate those feelings from the center of your chest. This will inform your brain that it is safe to think and feel differently than whatever limited reality you’ve accepted so far.

  • Memorize The Feeling:Each time you practice this unlimited state of being, memorize the feeling. Then, take that feeling with you far off the meditation cushion, everywhere you go.
In addition to getting beneficial natural sunlight each day,as well as protecting your physical body from harmful outer light, it’s critical to cultivate your Inner Light too.
The three steps above may sound simple, but Inner Light is really a lifelong practice.
Cheers to your unlimited potential,
Matt Maruca
Founder & CEO of Ra Optics
P.S. —Ra Optics is a proud partner of Joe Dispenza’s InnerScience Research Fund, a nonprofit dedicated to funding research on the biological and physiological effects of meditation on the human body.For every purchase of our Joe Dispenza frames, we donate \\$50 to InnerScience Research Fund to help empower individuals to heal and thrive.

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