Check out my article on Rick Rubin’s Tetragrammaton

Ra Optics US • 3:59am

Ra Optics sent this email to their subscribers on July 11, 2024.
A few years ago, I received an email from a guy named Rick Rubin.
At the time, I didn't know much about him. But eventually I learned that he had produced and worked with some of my favorite artists ever, including the Red Hot Chili Peppers, Eminem, Kanye West, and many others.
Like you, Rick wears Ra Optics; he was one of the first.
You see, Rick has always been on the cutting edge. He was doing transcendental meditation since the 1970s, way before it was mainstream. He's always finding people and ideas and products that are "ahead of their time". You could say that that's part of what made him so successful as a music producer: finding something unique and special and helping to give it wings, or to express more of whatever makes it itself.
Around that time, Rick shared this idea with me of creating a platform through which he could share these ideas. It was called "Tetragrammaton".
Now, six years later,Rick's Tetragrammaton is live, and it has become a great success.On his podcast, he has interviewed some of the most interesting and accomplished people in the world, including Phil Jackson, Jimmy Lovine, Will Smith, Dr. Joe Dispenza, John Mayer, Tom Hanks, Arnold Schwarzenegger, and Andrew Huberman Ph.D, just to name a few.
They have an amazing website which shares beautiful art, quotes, articles, film, and other beautiful pieces of content and culture on a regular basis.
And I'm really glad to share with you that I've just written an article, which will be published in two parts, for Tetragrammaton.
—> Click here to read More Than Meets the Eye: Part 1—Light, Science, Life
My article presents light to a broader audience in a way that provides a foundational and intuitive understanding of its essential role in life and well-being.
I hope you enjoy it!
It's really great to see this project have come together so nicely. I highly recommend subscribing for regular, high-quality and insightful content from Rick and a variety of interesting creators he finds.
Matt Maruca
Founder & CEO
Ra Optics
P.S. — Stay tuned for Part 2 coming soon!

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