?Nature and Wellness Immersions – LIVE in 2024!

Sun Potion sent this email to their subscribers on April 4, 2024.

What is Nature Connection?

We were lying under a blanket of stars in Hells Canyon, Idaho, surrounded by North America’s deepest river gorge. \xa0Steep cliff-faces rise up either side of the raging river, standing overhead like gods of yesteryear. \xa0Timeless, waiting for us to remember them…

In hosting our LIVE nature immersions, I have witnessed firsthand the immediate, spontaneous, and incomparably transformative force of simply being in nature. \xa0

The experience is a homecoming. \xa0A remembering.

It feels a bit like ‘ahhhh, there you are…’’

‘There you are’ (the awe and wonder which washes over a person when in the presence of raw nature) is quickly followed by…’here I am’…and ‘here I am’, I mean, well– Is that not what we are all after? \xa0We all want to be at home in our bodies, held like a jewel, in the palms of Mother Earth, secure, nourished, nurtured, and content. \xa0And any step we take away from that center point causes disillusionment, dysfunction, and dysbiosis in equal amounts to the steps that were taken. \xa0Nature connection, I am convinced, is therefore the most-needed medicine of our time. \xa0

‘But what does it even mean…Nature Connection?’ \xa0

JOIN BE HERE LIVE at one of their upcoming Nature immersions. \xa0Sun Potion founder Scott Linde has been known to be found at these events, and has shared that “it was the absolute trip of a lifetime, with no detail missed. \xa0I will never forget it.”

Details can be found on Be Here’sGatherings page.

Be Here and Sun Potion are also thrilled to announce a special offer to celebrate Nature Connection with our new “Inner Outer Glow” combo pack featuring Be Here and Sun Potion’s collaborative superfood face masks (Wet Mask and Dry Mask), Sun Potion’s wildcrafted Pearl Powder, and Sun Potion Yin Power. \xa0The name of the pack speaks for itself. \xa0

With LOVE, go get outside!


To read more about this amazing event and all that Be Here does, head to ourJournal


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