10 Innovative Ways to Use Wallpaper Throughout Your Home!

In recent years, we’ve seen wallpapers experience a remarkable resurgence in interior design trends.

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10 Innovative Ways to Use Wallpaper Throughout Your Home!

In recent years, we’ve seen wallpapers experience a remarkable resurgence in interior design trends, with a significant shift in how they are utilized to transform your spaces. This revival is marked by a departure from traditional uses of wallpapers, such as the ‘bedroom accent wall’. Instead, contemporary designers are embracing them as versatile tools for creating striking focal points and unique decor pieces.\xa0

However, we must take the wallpapers newfound popularity with a thoughtful approach to refrain from falling into a fad trend and making decisions that are regretted down the line. Considerations such as selecting the right wallpaper for its use (ask yourself where and how will it be used), paying attention to the pattern repeat size and ensuring design longevity is paramount. Considering wall art that will be placed in your room, is vital when choosing a wallpaper. A tip that we recommend is buying a roll to test if you like it - pin it up on the wall and observe the wallpaper in all shades of light throughout different times of the day. This ensures you will be committed to the wallpaper design and won’t get tired of it.\xa0

To make things easy and seamless for you to find your next favourite wallpaper, we have rolled out a manyNEW FEATURESthat allows you to filter through colours, patterns, styles and more. To celebrate this feature, we’ve decided to give you 10 new and creative ways you can use your new favourite wallpaper in your home!



If you have a room that you feel is small or feels like the ceiling is too low, you can use clever design strategies to add height to the room. Utilizing vertical stripes that extend all the way to the ceiling can create an illusion of heightened walls as it allows the eyes to draw upwards. Furthermore, integrating wallpaper on cabinetry can present the same benefit. Not to mention it enhances the visual interest of your room, seamlessly integrating the cabinetry into the overall design, where it may have previously felt like a flat or bland surface, it will now add intrigue and softness.\xa0


To add a touch of contrast and excitement try using the same wallpaper pattern in two distinct colourways. This design approach introduces a dynamic visual effect but also showcases the versatility of a single pattern. This technique can be particularly effective in open-concept spaces where the continuity of the pattern brings in a cohesive aesthetic while the interplay of colours injects vibrancy and interest. Whether it’s a subtle tonal shift or a bold juxtaposition, using the same wallpaper pattern in different colourways adds a layer of depth and uniqueness to your interiors.\xa0



To create a cohesive interior, consider harmonizing the colours of the surrounding woodwork (door frames, doors, windows) with your chosen wallpaper. This thoughtful coordination serves to break up the business of intricate patterns, creating a balanced and visually pleasing aesthetic.

Furthermore, incorporating wood panelling on the bottom half of walls can be a useful way to calm a busy pattern. This is especially beneficial in spaces like home offices where focus is paramount.


Creating cohesion and harmony in a room can be quickly achieved by using the same pattern for both the wallpaper and upholstery. This considerate pairing creates a seamless visual connection between the different elements in the room. It not only adds a layer of sophistication but also unifies the space making it look curated and intentional. Whether opting for complementary hues or opposite colourways, this approach exudes a sense of unity where every element works together to create a visually appealing environment.\xa0


One way to maximize your wall space and make an impact is to use a wall mural. Unlike conventional wallpaper, a mural has the power to immerse the entire room in a singular, awe-inspiring visual story. From breath-taking landscapes to abstract artistry, the choices are vast and can be picked to suit your personal preferences. A well-selected wall mural can serve as a unique statement piece, instantly elevating the ambiance. We’re using this stunning wallpaper designed by Kit Kemp for Andrew Martin in a current project and can’t wait to show you the finished article soon!\xa0


Elevate the charm of your interiors by extending the embrace of wallpaper design to often overlooked places, such as the inside of closets or pantries. These seemingly mundane spaces can provide a unique canvas for injecting a touch of character and personality into your home. These small yet impactful details demonstrate the potential to infuse every nook and cranny with thoughtful design, turning often neglected area into charming surprises, which pull the overall aesthetic of your home together.


Harness the transformative power of wallpaper to strategically break up open-plan spaces, that are ever more present in our interiors today. A fun way to incorporate this technique is within the kitchen. The kitchen is one of the most used and lively parts of a house, therefore choosing a fun and vibrant pattern can reiterate this dynamic energy within this space. Not to mention that it will divert attention away from the sometimes less aesthetically pleasing elements of a kitchen, such as appliances. It is essential however that you choose the right type of wallpaper as it needs to be functional in such a high traffic area. Opt for durable and washable options that will withstand an often-messy kitchen environment.\xa0


When selecting a wallpaper for your living room, the key is to strike a balance between adding visual interest and ensuring timelessness and avoiding patterns or colour that may become tiresome. Neutral tones or classic patterns tend to stand the test of time, offering versatility to adapt to evolving styles and preferences. However, that isn’t to say you can’t go for something more daring - just make sure you take the time to really consider your choice. Opting for a medium-sized pattern repeat provides a sweet spot, delivering a captivating design without overwhelming the space.\xa0


If the goal is to infuse warmth and an inviting ambiance, then selecting a textured-looking wallpaper can work wonders. Textured wallpapers can add depth and tactile appeal to walls, creating a welcoming environment.\xa0


To create a cocoon-like haven in nooks or snugs, consider harmonizing your wallpaper pattern on the walls with the ceiling and window treatments. This cohesive approach wraps the entire space in a seamless visual narrative, intensifying the intimate atmosphere. To add a touch of contrast and refinement, try lining the edges with carefully selected braids, which can also help where the pattern might not match perfectly moving from the walls to the ceiling or window treatment

As you can see from some of the ideas above, the possibilities with wallpapers are limitless. It is always exciting to explore new ways of incorporating the vast array of wallpapers that are out there. We hope this blog has inspired some new creative ideas for your next interior design project. Don’t forget that you can easily and seamlessly browse some of our favourite wallpapers from sought after brands on our\xa0WEBSITE.Our new filter tool helps navigate through a myriad of options to ensure that you find the perfect new wallpaper for your home.\xa0

As ever, we are here to help with any interior design questions or queries you may have. Just call the showroom on 01442818122 or email us at\xa0studio@tobiasoliverinteriors.com\xa0and we would be delighted to assist.